Dr. Jan P. Brosius
LL.M. (King’s College London)
Jan P. Brosius is a founding partner of valbeek and advises German and international companies and investors on all aspects of corporate and stock corporation law. He specializes in cross-border and domestic M&A and private equity transactions, venture capital and corporate restructurings as well as joint ventures and carve-outs. Further, one of the focal points of his work is the judicial and extrajudicial resolution of corporate disputes. Jan P. Brosius also acts as an arbitrator.
Jan P. Brosius is a lecturer in game theory and negotiation techniques at the University of Hamburg.
Legal structuring is not an end in itself, but a tool. For Jan P. Brosius, the focus is on interest-oriented negotiation, economic benefit and the practical feasibility of the results achieved.
Born 1981. Study of Law at the University of Hamburg und the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (2001 – 2006). Supplementary degree program in Business Law (University of Hamburg, Chamber of Commerce Hamburg, 2006 – 2007). Master of Laws in International Commercial Law (LL.M.) (King’s College London, London, England, 2008 – 2009). Doctorate (PhD) in law on the subject of leveraged buyouts and capital maintenance in stock corporation law (University of Hamburg, 2010). Legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg and in New York (2009 – 2011). Admission to the bar, Hamburg (2012). Attorney at law and, since 2019, partner at VOIGT WUNSCH HOLLER Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten (2012 – 2023). lecturer in game theory and negotiation techniques, University of Hamburg (since 2012). lecturer in Corporate Law and M&A, HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration, Study Course Executive MBA (2017 – 2020). Founding partner of valbeek Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten (since 2024)
Areas of Expertise:
Handelsblatt and the US publisher Best Lawyers rank Jan P. Brosius among Germany's best business lawyers. He is listed in the areas of Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity.
Brosius, in: Kindler/Lieder, International and European Business Law (IEBL), Band 4: Corporate Law, Kommentierung Kapitalschutz und Kapitaländerung (frühere
Kapitalrichtlinie 2012/30/EU), Beck Hart Nomos, 2021
Brosius/Frese, Konflikte bei der Willensbildung in der Einheitsgesellschaft, in: Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) 2016, 808 ff.
Brosius, Die finanzielle Unterstützung des Erwerbs eigener Aktien, AHW-Schriftenreihe, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2011.
Schulenburg/Brosius, Ausgewählte aktien- und wertpapierrechtliche Fragen zu § 100 Abs. 2 S. 1 Nr. 4 AktG, in: Wertpapier-Mitteilungen (WM) 2011, 58 ff.
Schulenburg/Brosius, Die cooling-off Periode bei der Wahl von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern in der Umwandlung, in: Betriebs-Berater (BB) 2010, 3039 ff.
Brosius, Verfassungsrang ohne Rechtsfolgen, in: Sprachnachrichten, Nr. 41, März 2009, S. 6 f.